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Author: Jonathan Lindhorst,
D.Mus candidate, Schulich School of Music of McGill University, member of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT)
Tone Clock Theory and Jazz: Applying Chromatic Tonalities to Contemporary Jazz


Baker, Shamus Adam. 2022. “Tonality Re-Framed: The Tone Clock as Gateway to Expanded Tonality,” Master’s diss., University of Waikato.


Bergonzi, Gerry. 1994. Vol 1. <<Melodic Structures>>. Mainz: Advance Music.


Croft, John. 1993. “Earth and Sky: The Music.” Music in New Zealand, no. 22 (Spring): 20-24.


de Graaf, Dick Pieter. 2017. Beyond Borders: Broadening the Artistic Palette of (Composing)

Improvisers in Jazz. PhD diss., Leiden University.


Dominick, Lisa R. 1985. “Darmstadt 1984.” In Perspectives of New Music, vol. 23, no. 2 (Spring-Summer): 274-291. 


Ibarz, Erik Fernandez. 2015. Peter Schat’s Tone Clock: The Steering Function and Pitch-Class Set Transformation in Genen. Master’s diss., University of Ottawa.


Heinemann, Stephen. 1988. “Pitch-Class Set Multiplication in Theory and Practice.” Music Theory Spectrum, vol 20, no. 1 (Spring): 72-96.


McLeod, Jenny.1993. “Introduction.” The Tone Clock, by Peter Schat. xi-xxvii. New York and Milton Park: Routledge.


McLeod, Jenny. 1994. Tone Clock Theory Expanded: Chromatic Maps I & II. Wellington, New Zealand. Victoria University of Wellington School of Music.


McLeod, Jenny. 2016. “24 Tone Clock Pieces: A Commentary and Memoir.” Liner notes for McLeod, Jenny. 24 Tone Clocks, Michael Houstoun, Diedre Irons. Rattle Records, RAT-DO66. compact disc.  


McLeod, Jenny. 2023. “WHAT ARE ‘TONALITIES’: Tone Clock, Diatonic and Otherwise,” Tonalities [Jenny to Nain], from the personal collection of Norman Meehan.


Meehan, Norman. 2024. Jenny McLeod: A Life in Music. Victoria University Press.


Miller, Malcom. 1994. “Review of The Tone Clock, by Peter Schat.” Tempo, issue 188 (March 1994): 51-53.


Norris, Michael. 2006. “Crystalline Aphorisms: Commentary and Analysis of Jenny McLeod’s Tone Clock Pieces I-VII.” CANZONA 26/47 (2006a): 74-86.

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